Members no longer need to log into the FIBIS Database (https://search.fibis.org/) website. Members only material has been moved to this website to avoid the need to log in to two different websites. When you log in you will find a link to it under the Members Area tab on the menu.
To log in to this website click the login link at the top of the page and enter your username and password.
If you are a member who joined before August 2014 then your username is probably your membership number (ie ABC-0123). If you joined after that date then you would have chosen your own username. If you aren’t sure contact the Membership Secretary who will look it up for you. If you cannot remember your password, click ˜Lost your password?” Passwords are encrypted, so please do not contact us asking us to remind you what they are as we have no way of looking them up.
Please also note that there is no members only material in Fibiwiki, so you cannot log in to that website unless you are a registered editor.
If the above instructions do not resolve your logging in problem please check that your membership is up-to-date as if it has lapsed your website access will be blocked. See Membership Subscription help and support if you don’t know how to check if your membership has expired. If it is definitely up-to-date please clear your browsers cache and try resetting your password again before contacting [email protected]